Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Original definition of 'Dandelion' came from French which is 'dent-de-lion'. This of course would mean the lion's tooth. Named due to the jagged shape of the leaves according to my reliable source. The scientific name of this plant is Taraxacum officinale (correct me if I'm wrong).

Apparently, there is a lot of Dandelion growing near to Oshin's crib. It is fun to pick them up and i recommend you not to make them as gifts; very inconvenient.

A pleasant surprise? :P

Protecting the Dandelion from the wind which is inconvenient

I just let her blow the Dandelions away and let the wind define their path

p/s: my model likes Dandelion a lot


roentare said...

Wonderful shot!

Anonymous said...

really really beautiful pictures of the dandelion you got there! i must say that you're very skillful in taking photographs..
Your model really has a lot of facial expressions hasn't she? So funny too. heheheh.

Zizane. said...

heheh.. yeah, she got a lot of cute expression.. i really like the one where she were seemed to be surprised..

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha. i wonder who bakulpink is. hahaha. o=)

Zizane. said...

helo jiyah =)

Mizami said...

Hi Zan! Terkejut aku gambar si 'oshin' mu masa ia terkajut. Haha!! But cute nevertheless. I forgot to convey my congrats to you both! =p

Zizane. said...

thanx:).. she is cute, heheh.