Monday, April 28, 2008

Expedition 2008

26th April - We had a little expedition that we planned earlier which is to cycle to the tip of the Otago Peninsula. We depart from Dunedin at 10.30am with full of spirits. We were suppose to leave 1hr earlier but due to unforeseen circumstances, it has to be delayed.

It was sunny and hot morning (it can be deceiving at times especially in Dunedin). No thermals as well as thick hoodies to be brought in the journey.

We arrived at the tip at 4hrs later. Of course, we had multiple stops to enjoy ourselves with the camera and the nice scenic view. We head off from the tip at 4pm and damn, it was dark and cold. Really wished I had my thick thermals. And the journey ended at the hot ladies' crib (Patricia, Aziemah and Shareen) where they had a house-warming party. And thank you for the food guys.

Tightening up the screws and bolts before departure.

Inflating the wheels.

Our first stop.

And this was why we took 4 hrs to get to the tip; we love the scenery and the camera.

The silver bike is mine.

Syazwan and G Ikhwan, Aaron with the camera.

Khairul said he wanted to take this octopus home to make sushi.

But it was too smelly.

Nice shot.

G Ikhwan waiting for the others while enjoying sitting on the grass.

Almost there.

I don't have to explain this picture.

Having our lunch.

This is funny, nice one Khai.

It is not what you think, :P

This is us with our 'deadly' pose.

And this is us with our 'natural' pose.

Heading home.

The ladies' crib. Patricia ain't in the shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shots taken laizan.....siokkkkk nice scenery!!!

With Love: Sparkling Strawberry